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Success depends on you. Volunteer today. Here's how.

The success of the Brentwood High School band program depends on the support of a very large group of parent and other volunteers. Ideally, each band parent will volunteer to assist at least three times during the performance season. There are tasks big and small, both time-consuming and easily accomplished, some that require travel and some easily done from home. Parent volunteers are needed to prepare and serve meals for students, build props for performances, tailor and mend uniforms, assist with fund raising, serve as chaperones for both home performances and overnight trips, assist with data and record keeping, and much more. There's no better way to support your child and all the students in the band while also building lasting relationships with other parents, than to volunteer. It's rewarding and fun — just ask any parent who is already involved.


You may learn about specific volunteering opportunities from invitations sent to all band family members, by checking events on the band's CHARMS calendar (events needing volunteers to sign up display a clickable tiny hand emoticon below the calendar listing), or by contacting the band booster leader who oversees the area in which you're interested in volunteering.


To ensure the safety of all its students, Williamson County School imposes guidelines for all adults who wish to volunteer with school-related activities. Please review these guidelines and allow time to complete the required process before your volunteer services are needed.


All volunteers must complete the (Tier 2) Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement. This is to be signed and delivered, in person, to the BHS Principal's office.  Click here to download the form.



All traveling chaperones (away games, trips), first aid volunteers, uniform fitters, and others working with children in an unsupervised setting must complete the Volunteer Application and Confidentiality Agreement and the Tier 3 Finger Print Process, a one-time procedure for which the records are maintained at the WCS Central Office. Do this once and you are covered for all of Williamson County Schools. You will need to pay the $40 fee for this process. Click here for information on the process. Please note, It may take as long as a week after fingerprinting to get official clearance.


All Tier 3 volunteers are REQUIRED to obtain and wear a Tier 3 Volunteer Badge whenever volunteering at the school or on any band trip. The badge lets WCS employees and others know you have been fingerprinted & approved by the school to be with the students. Dates when volunteers may obtain badges at BHS will be announced.


For questions about the volunteer policy for Williamson County Schools click here

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