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Sponsor Affiliate Program

The Sponsor Affiliate Program was created to encourage band parents and families to utilize their personal and professional networks to secure corporate and other sponsors to financially support the band. By expanding this effort from a single person or small team to the entire band family, the hope is more prospective sponsors/donors will be presented the opportunity to offer support. As an incentive to directly make these connections, families who secure sponsors will receive a financial credit toward their child's Pledge Commitment. Whether it is your personally-owned company, your employer's company, a connection through business dealings, friends, band alumni, or a successful cold call, there is an almost unlimited number of potential sponsor partners. 


How to Participate

  • Before you solicit a company for a sponsorship, check with the Band Boosters' Corporate Fundraising Coordinator to ensure an existing sponsorship or request has not already been established. It is essential that potential sponsors are not repeatedly asked for support from multiple sources. Each band representative must submit a list of the companies he or she plans to contact before reaching out to prospective sponsors. You may do this by clicking here to complete an online Sponsor Prospect Form.

  • If a family secures a Sponsor Affiliate, that family retains right of first refusal to renew that sponsorship for one year. No other families will be cleared to solicit that sponsor on behalf of the BHS band.

  • Familiarize yourself with the band's Sponsorship packages along with the benefits and giving levels for each. This information may be found on the Sponsors page.

  • Contact the prospective sponsor. An in person visit is best, however telephone, email, or traditional mail to the owner, manager or authorized decision-maker for the company is fine. Here are links to the sponsorship package options and a sponsorship order form that may be downloaded and printed if necessary.

  • Ask the prospective sponsor to complete the online form and ideally pay online via credit card. Sponsors may also complete the online sponsor form and mail a check using the instructions provided.

  • Follow-up with another visit, phone call or email within a week after you present the offer to your prospective sponsor. Build a positive relationship and encourage action to support a great educational enterprise.

  • Be mindful of the early deadline of July 31 to ensure all timely sponsor benefits (game announcements, tower signs, etc.) can be delivered as promised. Sponsorships may be added at any point during the season, however, the visibility of acknowledgement signs will be limited as the season progresses.

  • Always report back to the Band Boosters' Corporate Fundraising Coordinator about your progress, anticipated forms or mail coming in, and other feedback to help track all active sponsorship requests.


Helpful Tips

  • Wear Brentwood Band attire if you visit in person.

  • Request to speak briefly with the manager. Demonstrate that you value their time. Tell them you represent the band, the band needs community support, briefly tell your band story, then ask for a sponsorship commitment.

  • If possible, show the prospect the Sponsor page from this website, or present printed versions of the same information. Make it clear how the sponsor can access the forms and complete the commitment.

  • Always express your gratitude for any support, as well as anyone making time to hear your request.


How it Could Impact Your Pledge Commitment

A credit for each sponsorship secured will be applied to the designated student's account which will be used to off-set the student's Pledge Commitment. The schedule for percentage credited is as follows:

  • 1st Sponsorship = 20 percent

  • 2nd Sponsorship = 15 percent

  • 3rd Sponsorship = 15 percent

  • 4th Sponsorship = 20 percent

  • 5th Sponsorship = 25 percent

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